Fees & Levies


​​​​​​​​​​​​​2​​024 Fee Schedule​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Dear Parents,

Please find attached a copy of our 2024 Fee and Levies Schedule, which has been developed in consultation with Brisbane Catholic Education and the Jubilee Catholic Parish.

Similarly to 2023, parents will not see many ‘one off’ costs in 2024 for items such as class excursions, swimming and bus travel.  Please see the full descriptions in the 2024 Fee and Levies Schedule for a more specific breakdown of charges.  

It has always been the position of Brisbane Catholic Education Executive Director, the Jubilee Catholic Parish Priest and the Principal of St Ambrose’s School that no child would be denied a Catholic Education due to financial hardship. Families who may experience financial hardship, as we head into 2024, are invited to make contact with the school as soon as it is convenient.

If you have any specific questions or clarifications, please address these directly to myself, via email, at jhinton@bne.catholic.edu.au
Warmest regards,

John Hinton

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