Mission and Vision Statement

Alice Springs Education Declaration

St Ambrose’s School Vision and Mission is underpinned by the Alice Springs Education Declaration (2019), which set the national education vision for all Australians and notes two goals:  

1. The Australian education system promotes excellence and equity.
2. All young Australians become:
  • Confident and creative individuals
  • Successful lifelong learners​
  • Active and informed members of the community

​Our Vision Statement

St Ambrose’s School empowers learners to realise their potential, as nurtured by the tradition of the Good Samaritan Sisters. 

Our Mission Statement 
To encourage our children to realise their potential through:

Teaching and Learning

  • Being active participants in a broad range of learning opportunities.
  • Having confidence to take risks responsibly and to achieve their full potential.
  • Recognising their personal learning achievements and understand that individuals achieve this in varying ways.
  • Being a critical self-reflective learner who is engaged in lifelong learning.​

Faith and Mission

  • Valuing the love of God, family, self and others.
  • Valuing Church traditions and live their lives displaying Christian values.
  • Acting upon their beliefs and values displaying a sense of right and wrong.
  • Empathising with others.

Building Community

  • Demonstrating awareness of and compassion to those in our community.
  • Being responsible for fostering and nurturing relationships between all stakeholders in the parish/school community.
  • Actively contributing to the wider community.


  • Taking responsibility for the organisational skills associated with learning, for example goal setting and time management.
  • Being independent self-motivated learners.
  • Showing initiative and resilience when facing challenges.