St Ambrose’s Habits of the Heart are based around
the charism of St Benedict. We have aligned his ten rules with six simple ways we
can make a difference to the lives of those around us, and in turn, allow others
to assist us. Each habit guides us along our pathway of peace. With these
shared values and expectations, we can grow and prosper as a school community.
The symbol of the tree is used as the organizing
graphic for our Habits. Each Habit is represented by a part of the tree and all
the parts of the tree come together in the form of a cross. At
assemblies throughout the year, classes begin to explore what it means to be a
person who shows:
Hope - let everyone that comes be received as Christ;
Love - a work of justice that respects another’s dignity and responds to their hurt;
Generosity - looking at the world through the lens of our faith, the lens of God;
Tolerance - open your mind and listen with our hearts;
Perseverance - are you willing to change or improve?
Remembering - links us to our past and makes us something bigger than we are.
values are used to celebrate our successes and are alive throughout our whole community.
“As we journey through the school year, letting the story unfold through our actions and words, we hope to keep our Habits of the Heart alive in our school, knowing that Jesus is walking with us.” - Sr Mary Macdonald.

© BCE St. Ambrose’s Catholic Primary School, 2009