Managed by Catholic Early EdCare on behalf of Jubilee Catholic Community
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St Ambrose’s Outside School Hours Care is located on site in the Bolton Centre and provides Before School Care 6.30am to 8.45am and After School Care 2.55pm to 6pm each week of the school term. Vacation Care is offered during the school holiday breaks 7.00am to 6.00pm daily. Prior to attending OSHC all children must be formally enrolled in the service.
This purpose built facility has been established to be ‘the hub’ service for Vacation Care in the Jubilee Catholic Community.
The Australian Government offers two types of financial assistance for child care – Child Care Benefit (CCB) which is means tested and Child Care Rebate (CCR) which is a 50% out of pocket rebate. To register for these benefits you must have a CRN (Customer Reference Number). For further details regarding CRNs visit the Services Australia website or phone 136150.
If your child is absent from school and is booked into OSHC it is imperative that you also contact OSHC to advise of your child/children’s absence.
Additional information can be obtained through the website, or by contacting the OSHC coordinator Brooke Chittenden.
Phone: 0407 378 588
52 Enoggera Road Newmarket 4051.